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Admission Policy

Choosing a nursery is an important decision for you and your family, therefore we  hope the following information will answer your questions about our aims and  standards of childcare and education to enable you to have complete confidence  that you are making the right choice.  

Forest Village Kindergarten Facilities 

∙ Open 8am to 6pm, 50 weeks a year 

∙ Full & half day sessions all year 

∙ Outside every day, in all weathers 

∙ Located inside Merton recreation ground  

∙ Private fenced up outdoor area and playground within the park  ∙ mud kitchen, sand play and water play area 

∙ organic wholesome meals 

∙ Good commuter location and a buggy park 

∙ Easy direct debit billing 

∙ We accept 15 & 30 hours and the governments tax-free account ∙ Bilingual approach German and English 

∙ Waldorf inspired class room  

∙ non plastic toy and no battery operated toys  

∙ screen free environment 

∙ security entry system 

Settling in Phase 

We organise settling in sessions for the parents and child. This gives you the  opportunity to provide us with lots of information about your child, their likes and  dislikes, routines, favourite activities, how to comfort them if they become upset  and how they have reacted when left before. It gives us/ keyworker the opportunity  to start to build a relationship with you and your child and to understand both your  needs and wishes. 

We are happy for you to stay until you feel that your child is settled. Some children  do take longer than others to settle and some settle quickly and then become  distressed a few weeks into the placement. We will work with you in partnership to  support your child through this transition period and make it as easy as possible. It  is important that you and your child are relaxed and happy in Kinderland Forest and  with the care we provide. 

Some parents find it helpful to call during the day to find out how their child is. We  are happy to take your calls, but depending on the circumstances we might not able  to talk for long, or even to answer the telephone if we attending to a child’s  personal needs, for example changing a nappy. So please do not panic if you call  and there is no answer  

What do I Bring?  

∙ Outdoor gear, waterproof trousers, rain jacket, wellington boots ∙ 1 set of spare clothes (including socks) 

∙ Indoor slippers 

All personal items need to be labelled with child’s name. We would also  recommend that your child does not bring toys from home as they do become  upset if items become mislaid or broken. 


Children will be observed in the 7 learning areas, which are: 

∙ Personal Social and Emotional Development 

∙ Communication and Language 

∙ Physical Development 

∙ Literacy 

∙ Mathematics 

∙ Understand the World 

∙ Expressing Arts and Design 

You will receive one progress reports per year detailing your child’s progress  and development, but you can view their learning journals at any time. Parents  Evenings Parent Evenings are held once a year. Although the nursery staff are  available on a daily basis, this gives you the opportunity to discuss your child’s  progress and transition to Primary 1 in a relaxed atmosphere on an individual  basis.